
M.W.Woods Index: University of Tasmania Collection

University of Tasmania 2014 , M.W.Woods Index: University of Tasmania Collection , University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.

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McDonell Watkyn Woods (Don) studied engineering from 1929 to 1933. He took the Thomas Normoyle prize in 1930 and the Russell Allport prize in 1931, graduated as B.Sc. and B.E. in 1934 and then went to Magdalen College, Oxford, on a Rhodes scholarship. He was a member of the T.U. Rifle Club, being the captain of the team in 1933, and was secretary of the University Union in 1932. The Tasmania University Rifle Club was formed in 1927 and a team entered for the Home and Home contest in November 1927 came third. Includes photographs of rifle teams 1930-1934, Student Representative Council photograph 1931-2, programmes and menus. Deposited by Mrs Doris E. Woods, 1982.

From University Collection UT367.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:University of Tasmania
Keywords: University of Tasmania Special and Rare Collections, University of Tasmanian, McDonell Watkyn Woods, engineering, Thomas Normoyle, Russell Allport, Magdalen College, Oxford, Rhodes scholarship, Tasmania University Union, Tasmania University Rifle Club, Inter-Varsity, photographs, rifle teams, Student Representative Council, AV Davern, programmes, menus, lecturer, Index, Tasmania, UTAS,
Publisher: University of Tasmania
Collections: University of Tasmania > University of Tasmania Special Collections
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