
Reference to index of papers of Alice Daisy Baker (1888-1952), Tasmanian poet and writer

Baker, Alice Daisy 2010 , Reference to index of papers of Alice Daisy Baker (1888-1952), Tasmanian poet and writer , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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Papers include, correspondence, miscellaneous personal papers, books of poems, books, plays, radio plays, short stories and articles, childrens stories, radio plays for children, school broadcasts, miscellaneous writings and notes, phamphlets, press cuttings of early Tasmanian history, Stott's Technical Correspondence College 1938-1939
- Private Deposit B.1

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Baker, Alice Daisy
Keywords: Tasmania, van diemens land, social history, history, colony, colonial, Australia, indexes, University of Tasmania, Library, private deposits, archives, Collections, catalogue, Special, index,
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Other Special Collections
Additional Information:

University of Tasmania Library, Special and Rare Materials Collection - Private Deposit B.1

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