
Reference to index of ledger of the High School of Hobart Town 1850 - 1851.

Lillie, John, Hopkins, Henry and Walker, George Washington 2010 , Reference to index of ledger of the High School of Hobart Town 1850 - 1851. , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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The School was founded in 1848 by a group of gentleman connected with the Prestbyterian and free churches including Rev. Dr. John Lillie, Minister of St. Andrews Church, Chairman of the Council, T.D.Chapman, who succeeded Lillie as Chairman of the Council of Shareholders, R.W.Nutt, Henry Hopkins, G.W.Walker, R. Officer and W. Robertson, who acted as treasurer.The object of the High School, as originally described,was 'the instruction of youth in the higher brances of learning, as taught in superior classical and mathematical schools in England', the ultimate object being 'to confer on Australian youth the inestimable advantages of an European University'. The school opened in 1850 and 56 boys were enrolled in the first quarter. The number had increased to 81 at the beginning of 1851. By 1859 boarders were being taken and a junior department had been started.In 1885 the rights to the school were handed over to the Christ College Trust and the school became Christ College, surprisingly as J.P.Gell the first Warden of Christ's College originally opposed the foundation of the High School. The Christ College School in fact merged with the Hutchins School and in 1892 the High School
building was sold to the new University of Tasmania.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Lillie, John and Hopkins, Henry and Walker, George Washington
Keywords: Tasmania, van diemens land, social history, history, colony, colonial, Australia, indexes, University of Tasmania, Library, private deposits, archives, Collections, catalogue, Special, index,
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Other Special Collections
Additional Information:

University of Tasmania Library, Special and Rare Materials Collection - Private Deposit DX.11
(See reports 1849,1851, 1859 (H.8) and Wood's Almanack 1849 p. 108.

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