
Reference to index of miscellaneous Walker letters

Walker Family 2010 , Reference to index of miscellaneous Walker letters , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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Miscellaneous letters

R. Smith to James Backhouse 29 Sept. 1850-
Friend George Brien appointed Headmaster of High School,
James Backhouse to Joseph B. Mather 12 Apr. 1859
Death of G.W. Walker,
G. Franks to "Dear Friend" 8 Mar. 1860. 18 Jan. 1862,7 July 1862
From London: visit to Tasmania,
Josiah Foster. London, to J.B. Mather: 14 June 1870
Society of Friends,
Edward [?Cotton], Kelvedon to Emma 30 May 1875,
George B. ?Risby to Auntie 25 Nov. 1892,
Alfred Mather to J.F. Mather 3 Sept. 1893,
Miscellaneous papers
Notes on submarine tunnel between England and France III Lond. News 23 Jan. 1858; poem on
Tasmania; poem "The Complaint", James Tuner: security.
Miscellaneous incomplete letters not identified
The Life and Labours of George Washington Walker of Hobart Town. Tasmania 1862
by James Backhouse and Charles Tylor, London (Bennett 1862)
(Printed book, 556 pp + 12 + 9, partly uncut, no ms annotations)

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Walker Family
Keywords: Tasmania, van diemens land, social history, history, colony, colonial, Australia, indexes, University of Tasmania, Library, private deposits, archives, Collections, catalogue, Special, index,
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Other Special Collections
Additional Information:

University of Tasmania Library, Special and Rare Materials Collection - Private Deposit W.9n

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