
Photograph of gravestone of Thomas Crouch, West Hobart, Tasmania

Crouch, Thomas , Photograph of gravestone of Thomas Crouch, West Hobart, Tasmania. [Image]

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Photograph of gravestone of Thomas Crouch taken in the Quaker (Society of Friends) Burial Ground established in 1836 at Mellifont Street, West Hobart, Tasmania until it was closed in 1912. The gravestones have been moved to the edge of what is now the Friends' Park, a recreational park and children's playground.

Inscription reads: 'Thomas Crouch, Died 22nd of the 10th Month 18?5. Aged ?

Item Type: Image
Authors/Creators:Crouch, Thomas
Keywords: Quaker, Religious Society of Friends, Tasmania, Religious history, social history, Australia, gravestone, burial ground, west hobart, cemetery, mellifont street, friends park, Mary Mather
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Quaker Collection
Photograph Collection
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