
A new Tasmanian terrestrial orchid.

Nicholls, WH 1932 , 'A new Tasmanian terrestrial orchid.' , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania , pp. 13-14 .

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A slender, moderately hairy species, with the habit of
Cal. Patersonii, R. Br.; leaf hairy, linear-lanceolate, channelled;
flowers 1.2; yellowish with crimson veinings and
darker filamentous-glandular caudre to the segments; caudre
about 4.5 cm. long; ovary covered with dense glandular hairs;
lateral sepals and petals narrow-lanceolate, spreading, pendant;
with three narrow longitudinal, central lines; sepals
and petals about equal in length, petals narrower than the
sepals; dorsal sepal erect, incurved; labellum erect, on a
small movable claw, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, yellowish
with pale, diffused crimson veinings; tip wholly dark crimson,
lower part of lamina erect, with entire margins, then
deeply fringed; anterior margins serrulated; apex produced
into a long, tapering filamentous-glandular process, fully
twice as long as the broad portion of •lamina (total length
of labellum, 3.5-4 cm.) ; calli fleshy, slender, clavate, golfstick
type, in 6 rows, forward calli short and stout, not
extending beyond the bend; five conspicuous longitudinal
ridges continuing from between the rows of calli towards
the tip; column erect, incurved about 1-3 cm. long, widely
Winged above; 2 yellow sessile glands at the base; anther
With a short point.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Nicholls, WH
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, RST, Van Diemens Land, natural history, science, ecology, taxonomy, botany, zoology, geology, geography, papers & proceedings, Australia, UTAS Library
Journal or Publication Title: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
ISSN: 0080-4703
Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
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Copyright Royal Society of Tasmania

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