
Observations of comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston, Tasmania, Lat. 41 degrees 26' 01" : Long. 9 degrees 48'31" East.

Biggs, Alfred Barrett 1889 , 'Observations of comet of July and August, 1889, taken at Launceston, Tasmania, Lat. 41 degrees 26' 01" : Long. 9 degrees 48'31" East.' , Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania , p. 105 .

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The comet was first observed here on 26th July, faintly visible
without telescope. Lat. 41 degrees 26' 01" : Long. 9 degrees 48'31" East.
The position readings given were merely the readings of the rough home-made circles of
the equatorial, and make no pretension to exactness.
star comparison measures were all taken with a Bar Micrometer,
equilateral triangle, and are apparent difference
measures only, uncorrected for refraction, etc.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Biggs, Alfred Barrett
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, Van Diemens Land, VDL, Hobart Town, natural sciences, proceedings, records
Journal or Publication Title: Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Additional Information:

In 1843 the Horticultural and Botanical Society of Van Diemen's Land was founded and became the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science in 1844. In 1855 its name changed to Royal Society of Tasmania for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science. In 1911 the name was shortened to Royal Society of Tasmania.

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