
Abstract of Proceedings for the months of March-November,1910

Royal Society of Tasmania 1910 , 'Abstract of Proceedings for the months of March-November,1910' , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania .

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The Session of 1910 was commenced by the holding of a
conversazione on the evening of March 31, under the presidency
of His Excellency Sir Harry Barron. K.C.M.G., C.V.O. Among
the visitors present were Lady Barron. Rear-Admiral Ijichi
and the other leading officers of the Japanese fleet visiting
The proceedings were opened by an address from His Excellency
the President. satisfactory increase in membership
of the Royal Society had been made during the year, considering
that the community was a comparatively small one. Many very interesting papers on scientific subjects had been
read during the year.
Lantern slides illustrating the geology and natural history
of Tasmania were exhibited, and descriptions given by Dr.
Noetling. Mr. T. Stephens. Mr. R. M. Johnston. Mr. A. L.
Butler, and Mr. J. W. Beattie. Mr T. T. Flynn exhibited and
explained some slides illustrating infusorial animalcules.
APRIL II, 1910.
The Monthly General Meeting of the Society was held at
the Museum on Monday evening, April 11, 1910.
His Excellency Sir Harry Barron, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., President,
in the chair.
Includes list of fellows elected, exhibits and papers read by Fritz Noetling.
MAY. 1910.
The General Monthly Meeting was not held this month, on
account of the lamented death of His Majesty King Edward.
VII., Patron of the Society.
JUNE 13. 1910.
The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at
the Museum on Monday evening, June 13, 1910.
Mr. R. M. Johnston, F.L.S., I.S.O.. a Vice-President, in the
Includes list of fellows elected, notes and exhibits, and a paper read by Fritz Noetling on the "Comparison of the Tasmanian Tronatta with the Archaeolithic Implements of Europe."
JULY 12, 1910.
The Monthly General Meeting of the Society was held at
the Museum on Monday evening, July 12, 1910.
Mr. T. Stephens, M.A.. F.G.S.. in the chair.
Includes election of fellows, exhibits, and a paper read entitled: "The food of the Tasmanian Aborigines" by Fritz Noetling.
AUGUST 8, 1910.
The Monthly General Meeting of the Society was held at
the Museum on the evening of August 8, 1910.
Mr. T. Stephens. ALA.. F.G.S.. in the chair.
Includes a collection of minerals left to the Royal Society by the late Mr. Petterd, of Launceston, said to be the most important additions to the Museum that could be imagined.
A paper was read by W.L May on "Additions to the Catalogue of the Marine shells of Tasmania".
SEPTEMBER 19, 1910.
A Special Meeting and the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of
the Society were held at the Museum on the evening of September
19, 1910, having been postponed from the 12th instant
out of respect for the memory of the late Mr. Bernard Shaw,
Chairman of the Council. SPECIAL MEETING.
The Special Meeting of the Council had been convened by
the Council at the request of Mr. E. L. Piesse for the consideration
of certain proposed alterations in the Rules.The normal meeting for this month was then held.
The Chairman referred to the loss that the Society had sustained
by the death of Mr. Bernard Shaw, who was Chairman
of the Council for the last two years and had rendered valuable
services to the Society.
OCTOBER 10, 1910.
The Monthly General Meeting of the Society was held at the
Museum on the evening of October 10, 1910.
Mr. T. Stephens, M.A., F.G.S., a Vice-President, in the chair. Dr. Fritz Noetling was appointed Secretary of the Society,,
for the purposes of Section V. of the Royal Society Act, 18.
Vict., No. 4. in the place of the late Mr. Bernard Shaw.
"Notes on the Norman Vocabulary" By Hermann B. Ritz,
M.A. was read, and "Notes on Eucalyptus Risdoni" by L. Rodway.
Notes on the Genus Lissotes, with Descriptions of New-
Species. By Arthur M. Lea. F.E.S., Government Entomologist.
NOVEMBER 21. 1910.
A Special Meeting and a Monthly General Meeting were
held at the Museum on Monday evening, November 21, 1910.
A paper read by W.L May on the "New Marine Mollusca."

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Royal Society of Tasmania
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, Van Diemens Land, VDL, Hobart Town, natural sciences, proceedings, records
Journal or Publication Title: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
ISSN: 0080-4703
Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Additional Information:

In 1843 the Horticultural and Botanical Society of Van Diemen's Land was founded and became the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science in 1844. In 1855 its name changed to Royal Society of Tasmania for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science. In 1911 the name was shortened to Royal Society of Tasmania.

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