
Quit rent - Public meetings and petitions 5th July, 1832, Waterloo Point

Story, George Fordyce 1832 , Quit rent - Public meetings and petitions 5th July, 1832, Waterloo Point , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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Notes of a public meeting to consider addressing the Lieut-Governor on the subject of quit rent including draft of the address pointing out that it "must involve the Colony in utter ruin" since the best lands were settled at a purely nominal rent and "that eleven years ago this district remained in a state of nature, that by great exertions and outlay of capital attended with great privations we have conferred a value upon the Land". Public meetings and petitions 5th July, 1832, Waterloo Point. From Cotton Family Papers C7/59

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Story, George Fordyce
Keywords: Quaker, Religious Society of Friends, Tasmania, religious history, social history, Australia, George Fordyce Story, Association for the Promotion of Fine Arts, Scotland, subscription
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Quaker Collection
Dr GF Story Collection
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