
Proceedings of the Royal Society for the month of August, 1894

Royal Society of Tasmania 1894 , 'Proceedings of the Royal Society for the month of August, 1894' , Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania , xiii-xv .

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The usual monthly meeting was held on Tuesday. There was a
fair attendance of Fellows, and a few ladies. The chair was taken by Mr T. Stephens, M-A., F.G.S. The Hon. Sir Jas. Wilson Agnew,K.C.M.G.,M.D.,D.E.C., and Mr Jas. Barnard
wrote apologising for their absence.
The Secretary, Mr. A. Morton, read a circular from Mr. Shirley,
secretary to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of
science, which meets at Brisbane on January 11, 1895, and following
days, soliciting the assistance of Fellows in making the meeting a
success, and promising them a cordial reception. Railway and steamboat
tares would be reduced to visitors. Mr. Morton stated that
Professor McAulay and Mr. Fincham, Engineer-in-Chief, would read
Papers at the Brisbane meeting.
Mr Robert Henry was unfortunately detained by heavy weather in the
Straits Islands, consequently the reading of his paper "On a new
method of dropping the time ball" was postponed.
Mr Morton, on behalf of Mr. T.B. Moore, read a paper on
"Further discoveries of glaciation in Tasmania." Bishop Montgomery read a paper on the protection of mutton birds and seals. ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM Mr. Morton laid on the table a number of interesting curios sent
by Rev. John Chalmers from New Guinea and the Fly Elver district,
which included a drum, bone daggers, stone axes, and other articles. A very fine pair of horns of an Indian bison, presented and shot by
Colonel Cox, was also inspected by the Fellows. Colonel Cox gave some
interesting particulars of the animal under discussion, and stated that
its habitat was in the Sheveroy Hills, Madras Presidency, where he
had shot similar animals, and bagged one of the best pair of horns ever
taken in India.
The proceedings concluded with votes of thanks to the readers of
papers, the donors of the additions to the Museum, and the Chairman.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Royal Society of Tasmania
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, Van Diemens Land, VDL, Hobart Town, natural sciences, proceedings, records
Journal or Publication Title: Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Additional Information:

In 1843 the Horticultural and Botanical Society of Van Diemen's Land was founded and became the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science in 1844. In 1855 its name changed to Royal Society of Tasmania for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of Science. In 1911 the name was shortened to Royal Society of Tasmania.

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