
Circular to the Magistracy of Van Diemen's Land from His Excellency Sir William Denison, with a view to obtain an expression of the views of the colonists on the subject of transportation to that colony from the Private Secretary's Office, Government House, March, 1847 - addressed to Frederick A Downing, with draft reply.

Stanley, CE, Denison, William and Downing, Frederick A 1847 , Circular to the Magistracy of Van Diemen's Land from His Excellency Sir William Denison, with a view to obtain an expression of the views of the colonists on the subject of transportation to that colony from the Private Secretary's Office, Government House, March, 1847 - addressed to Frederick A Downing, with draft reply. , Royal Society of Tasmania, University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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Circular from His Excellency Sir William Denison, addressed to the Magistracy
of Van Diemen's Land, with a view to obtain an expression of the views of the colonists on the
subject of transportation to that colony. His Excellency has thought it desirable to take
this mode of ascertaining the views of the inhabitants of the colony on this very important
question, in order that he may be in the position
to lay before the Secretary of State, a clear statement of the views and wishes of the colonists. The questions asked were: 1. Do you consider it desirable that the transportation of convicts to this country should cease
altogether? 2. If you think it desirable that convicts should
still continue to be transported to this colony, but
in reduced numbers, what number should you
consider would be adequate to the wants of the
country, in order to keep up a proper supply of
labour ? and 3. You are requested to state what alterations
in the regulations respecting the hiring of passholders are desirable, with a view to rendering the
labour of the convict of more benefit to his employer, keeping in view at the same time the
necessity of encouraging habits of industry,
steadiness, and regularity of conduct in the convicts.
Reply to (Sir R Denison, Governor)the circular questions is written by Captain C Stanley, (Private Secretary) on behalf of Frederick A Downing Esq., Hobart Town, 10th May 1847.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Stanley, CE and Denison, William and Downing, Frederick A
Keywords: Tasmania, Royal Society of Tasmania, science, natural science, social history, Australia, indexes, University of Tasmania, Library, private deposits, archives, Collections, catalogue, Special, Van Diemen's Land,
Publisher: Royal Society of Tasmania, University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Royal Society Collection
Other Special Collections
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Investigations have indicated that this work is in the public domain. The University of Tasmania does not accept any liability or responsibility for further dealing in the work RS.131/6

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