
Mrs Alice Macfarlane Index: University of Tasmania Collection

University of Tasmania 2014 , Mrs Alice Macfarlane Index: University of Tasmania Collection , University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.

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Mrs Alice Macfarlane's memories of the years 1920-1924 are notes of her memories of her time as a full time student in the Faculty of Arts 1920-1922 (graduating 1923) and the Teachers' College 1923-24. She married Charles MacFarlane who graduated in 1925 and who was for many years Principal of Burnie High School. The notes refer to Professor T.T. Flynn, Professor R. L. Dunbabin, Professor W. H Williams, Professor Alexander McAuley, Raamsdonk and J. A. Johnson.

From University Collection UT447.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:University of Tasmania
Keywords: University of Tasmania Special and Rare Collections, University of Tasmania, Alice McFarlane, student, Faculty of Arts, 1920-1922, Teachers College, 1923-24, Charles MacFarlane, principal, Burnie High School, Professor Flynn, Dunbabin, WH Williams, Alexander McAuley, Raamsdonk, JA Johnson, lecturer, educator, memoirs, Index, Tasmania, UTAS,
Publisher: University of Tasmania
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The copyright of this material is either in the public domain or owned by the University of Tasmania. Material owned by the University may be used under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Collections: University of Tasmania > University of Tasmania Special Collections
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