
Library Plans 1958-1983 Index: University of Tasmania Collection

University of Tasmania 2014 , Library Plans 1958-1983 Index: University of Tasmania Collection , University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.

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A collection of Library Plans 1958-1983 for Morris Miller Library, Clinical Library, Law Building, Sandy Bay Campus, Biomedical Library, and Art/Music Library. Includes floor plans with furniture layout by architects John FD Scarborough, ST Tomlinson, Johnston, Crawford & De Bavay. The second index lists more detailed, specific information regarding the plans.

From University Collection UT452.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:University of Tasmania
Keywords: University of Tasmania Special and Rare Collections, University of Tasmania, Library Plans, 1958-1983, original sketch, John Scarborough, ST Tomlinson, Johnston Crawford De Bavay, Dept Public Works, Clinical Library, revision, plan, layout, University huts, Law, Biomedical, Mount Nelson, Art Music, Library, extension, location, sections, collections, construction, details, initial, stacks, desks, Index, Tasmania, UTAS,
Publisher: University of Tasmania
Collections: University of Tasmania > University of Tasmania Special Collections
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The copyright of this material is either in the public domain or owned by the University of Tasmania. Material owned by the University may be used under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

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