
The Tasman Bridge Collapse Research Project 1975-1980 Index: University of Tasmania Collection

University of Tasmania 2014 , The Tasman Bridge Collapse Research Project 1975-1980 Index: University of Tasmania Collection , University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.

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This research project by LJ Wood and TR Lee from the University Department of Geology has the full title of "The Tasman Bridge Collapse and its Effects on Metropolitan Hobart". This collection includes two samples each of the surveys/questionnaires for eight Hobart regions; two folders of the researchers' correspondence and working notes; five published reports; a summary report entitled "Three years of Disruption: Some effects and consequences of the Tasman Bridge Collapse"; and an article published in the journal "Progress in Planning".

From University Collection UT527.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:University of Tasmania
Keywords: University of Tasmania Special and Rare Collections, Department Geography, Tasman Bridge, collapse, research, project, 1975-1980, effects, Metropolitan Hobart, LJ Wood, TR Lee, questionnaire, samples, survey, household, manufacturing, retail, Eastern Shore, correspondence, working notes, published reports, methodology, social disruption, medical facilities, shopping patterns, journey, work patterns, ND McGlashan, adjustment, urban system, University of Tasmania, Index, Tasmania, UTAS,
Publisher: University of Tasmania
Collections: University of Tasmania > University of Tasmania Special Collections
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