
Extreme events in the sub-Antarctic

Quilty, PG 2012 , 'Extreme events in the sub-Antarctic' , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. 146 , pp. 63-69 , doi: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.146.63.

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Extreme physical events, excluding meteorological events, can be divided into two broad categories — endogenous and exogenous.
Endogenous phenomena include earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, volcanic or gas hydrate eruptions that occur within the region but may have both local and distant impacts; the 2011 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic eruption, and the frequent major earthquakes along the Chile margin or near Macquarie Island are examples. Exogenous events are those originating outside the area but influencing it. These include the terminal Cretaceous asteroid impact, asteroid/meteorite impacts, such as the major Eltanin Asteroid impact 2.5 million years ago, and extraterrestrial-sourced radiation from extreme solar/galactic or extra-galactic events in which the effect is not confined to the sub-Antarctic but is global.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Quilty, PG
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, RST, Van Diemens Land, natural history, science, ecology, taxonomy, botany, zoology, geology, geography, papers & proceedings, Australia, sub-Antarctic, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, gas hydrates, asteroid/meteorite impacts, space weather
Journal or Publication Title: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
ISSN: 0080-4703
DOI / ID Number: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.146.63
Copyright Information:

Copyright The Royal Society of Tasmania

Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
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