
Tree species regeneration after logging in temperate rainforest, Tasmania

Calais, SS and Kirkpatrick, JB ORCID: 0000-0003-2763-2692 1983 , 'Tree species regeneration after logging in temperate rainforest, Tasmania' , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. 117 , pp. 77-83 , doi: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.117.77.

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Selective mechanized logging for Athrotaxis selaginoides in temperate rainforest south of Rosebery in western Tasmania has resulted in a maze of logging tracks and associated destruction of part of the forest by firing. Mapping and analysis of regeneration of A. seleginoides, Phyllocladus aspleniifolius, Eucryphia lucida and Nothofagus cunninghamii at sites logged ten and twenty years previous to the study suggest that little successful tree establishment can be expected on areas where the topsoil has been removed by bulldozers, although the sides of the tracks where this material has been piled promise a restoration of the forest canopy. A. selaginoides and P. aspleniifolius establish in low densities after logging but appear to have low apparent rates of mortality in contrast to E. lucida and N. cunninghamii which establish in high densities, but have high apparent rates of mortality.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Calais, SS and Kirkpatrick, JB
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, RST, Van Diemens Land, natural history, science, ecology, taxonomy, botany, zoology, geology, geography, papers & proceedings, Australia, UTAS Library
Journal or Publication Title: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
ISSN: 0080-4703
DOI / ID Number: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.117.77
Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
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Copyright Royal Society of Tasmania

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