
Reply to the apology to the Aboriginal community by The Royal society of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Gibbins, R 2021 , 'Reply to the apology to the Aboriginal community by The Royal society of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery' , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. 155, no. 2 , pp. 9-10 , doi: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.155.2.9.

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Good afternoon everyone. I would like to acknowledge all members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community who are here today, and to pay respect to all our old people who have passed before us. Let’s not forget that this day is as much about them as it is us. This is a momentous day for the Aboriginal community of Tasmania – Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery and the Royal Society of Tasmania. As we have heard today the TMAG and the Royal Society have offered apologies to the Aboriginal community for past actions that have shown no regard for our culture and spirituality and which in turn contributed to our disadvantage and trauma. I believe it is up to all of us to consider these apologies with open minds and hearts.

Item Type: Article
Authors/Creators:Gibbins, R
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, Papers & Proceedings, Aboriginal people of Tasmania, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Journal or Publication Title: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
ISSN: 0080-4703
DOI / ID Number: https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.155.2.9
Copyright Information:

Copyright The Royal Society of Tasmania

Collections: Royal Society Collection > Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
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