
Minutes of "The Society" Van Diemen's Land, 1841

Royal Society of Tasmania 1841 , Minutes of "The Society" Van Diemen's Land, 1841 , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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First minute book for the Royal Society of Tasmania - March 3rd to November 3rd 1841. Present at first meeting: Sir John Franklin, Mr Bradford, Mr Boyes, Mr Bradbury, Mr Gell, Mr Kay, Mr Lillie, Mr Turnbull.Discussion about the production of the 'Tasmanian Journal'. RS 147/1

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:Royal Society of Tasmania
Keywords: Royal Society of Tasmania, Tasmania, social history, Australia, minute book, 1841, the Society, Van Diemen's Land, Sir John Franklin, Tasmanian journal, Bradford, Boyes, Bradbury, Gell, Kay, Lillie, Turnbull, Captain Ross, Captain Crozier, James Barnard, John Nixon, Rev. T. Ewing, Lyall, McCormick, Robertson, Dr Agnew, Allport, McLeay, Rev. F. Dove,
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Royal Society Collection
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