
Photographs of motor cars owned by the May family, 'Forest Hill', Sandford, Tasmania, 1914 and 1915 with car manuals, 1912

May, family , Photographs of motor cars owned by the May family, 'Forest Hill', Sandford, Tasmania, 1914 and 1915 with car manuals, 1912 , University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection, Australia.

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Photographs of motor cars owned by the May family. Alf, his wife Dossie, four children and Lance Dossetor are in the car outside the garage at 'Forest Hill', January 11, 1914 and the empty car is labelled Humber car, 'Forest Hill', September, 1915. The two car manuals are for Oakland motor cars, 1912 and R.C.H. cars, c. 1912.
Private Collection.

Item Type: Other
Authors/Creators:May, family
Keywords: Quaker, Religious Society of Friends, Tasmania, religious history, social history, Australia, Alfred May, Alf May, Dossie May, Charlotte Ann May, children, Lance Dossetor, motor cars, garage, Humber car, Oakland cars, R.C.H. cars, R.C. Hupp, Foster & Wellls Motor Works, Davey Street, Hobart, , 'Forest Hill', Sandford, photography, photograph
Publisher: University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection
Collections: Quaker Collection
Photograph Collection
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