
Collections - Manuscript and Early Printed Book Image Collection

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Number of items at this level: 65.

1566 , Anthologia Graeca. [Image]

Bede 1563 , Opera. [Image]

Chaucer, Geoffrey 1561 , Works. [Image]

Taegio, Bartolomeo 1559 , La villa. Dialogo. [Image]

Sansovino, Francesco (ed.) 1558 , Boccaccio, Ameto. [Image]

Castiglione, Baldassare, Conte, Flaminio, Marco Antonio, Bembo, Pietro, Navagero, Andrea and Cotta, Giovanni 1558 , Carmina Quinque Illustrium Poetarum.. [Image]

Polybius 1558 , Histories. [Image]

Erasmus, Desiderius (ed.) 1555 , Ambrose, Opera, vols 4 and 5 as one. [Image]

Erasmus, Desiderius (ed.) 1555 , Augustine, Opera, Tomi II-III, IV-V as 2 vols. [Image]

Victorius, Petrus (ed.) 1555 , Demetrius of Phaleron, De Elocutione, in Greek. [Image]

Cicero 1555 , Opera. [Image]

Petrarca (Petrarch), Francesco 1554 , Opera, 2 vols.. [Image]

Virgil, Polydore 1553 , Dialogi. [Image]

Fiorentino, M. Agnolo Firenzuola 1552 , Prose. [Image]

Stephanus, Carolus (ed.) 1551 , Appian of Alexandria, Romanae Historiae, in Greek. [Image]

Stephanus, Carolus (ed.) 1551 , Appian of Alexandria, Romanae Historiae, in Greek. [Image]

Gelenius, Sigismund (ed.) 1547 , John Chrysostom, Opera, in Latin. [Image]

Georgevits, Bartholomeus 1545 , La manière et ceremonie des Turcz. [Image]

Rhenanus, Beatus (ed) and Gelenius, Sigismund (ed) 1543 , Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, Decades I-V. [Image]

Cicero 1543 , Philosophical works, vol. 2. [Image]

Augustine 1541 , Opera. [Image]

Strebée, Jacques Louis 1540 , De Electione et Oratoria Collocatione Verborum. [Image]

Theocritus 1539 , Bucolica, followed by commentary, in Greek. [Image]

Bullinger, Iohann Heinrich 1538 , De Scripturae Sanctae Auctoritate. [Image]

Erasmus, Desiderius 1535 , Ecclesiastae sive De Ratione Concionandi. [Image]

Trithemius, Iohannes 1531 , Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum. [Image]

Lucretius 1531 , De Rerum Natura. [Image]

Budé, Guillaume 1529 , Commentarii Linguae Graecae. [Image]

Pliny 1525 , Natural History. [Image]

Apollonius of Rhodes 1521 , Argonautica, in Greek. [Image]

Catullus, Gaius Valerius 1521 , Carmina, with the commentary of Alessandro Guarini (1486-1556). [Image]

St. Augustine 1520 , De Civitate Dei and De Trinitate. [Image]

Wann, Paulus 1514 , Sermones De Septem Vitiis. [Image]

Filelfo, Francesco 1508 , Conuiuia. [Image]

Leontorius, Conradus (ed.) 1506 , Ambrose, Opera. [Image]

Von Oppeln, Peregrinus 1505 , Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis. [Image]

Giustiniani, Bernardo 1493 , Historia de Origine Urbis Venetiarum. [Image]

De Crescentiis, Petrus 1486 , Liber Ruralium Commodorum. [Image]

Cicero 1465 , Manuscript: Cicero, De Officiis, 1465. [Image]

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